General information about the surveys

How is a survey prepared?

After the initial contact by telephone in which the women* have the opportunity to ask questions about the project and the next steps, more specific details, e.g. the location and time of the survey or interview, are discussed.


Online questionnaire

If they are interested in participating in the online questionnaire, which takes about 30 to 40 minutes to complete, the individuals receive a link to the questionnaire or we discuss support in helping them complete it. This survey will take place starting in autumn 2021.


Narrative interview

The interview, which lasts approx. 60 minutes, will take place between autumn 2021 and spring 2022. The choice of location is flexible – it is important that the environment is secure and comfortable for the women. There is also the option of carrying out the interview at selected social facilities or at our premises at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.

Whilst coronavirus measures are still necessary, the interviews will only be carried out with negative coronavirus tests (which will be provided) in order to protect everyone involved. If required, the interviews can also be carried out online. In general, we talk with the women and agree on the best option.


Voluntary participation

Participation in the study is voluntary. People who are unable to or do not wish to participate will not be disadvantaged in any way. The interview can be stopped at any time and the data revoked without needing to provide a reason. All data that has been collected will then be deleted without the interviewee being disadvantaged in any way.



The interviewees will receive compensation for their time.

After the project is complete, which is anticipated to be in 2023, the research results will be published.